How Do I Turn Off Voice Notifications

To remove your voicemail notifications you will need to listen to all your new voicemail messages.
How do i turn off voice notifications. Can someone advise me how to turn off the voice notifications that a new study is available. Wed like to assist with your inquiry regarding voice notifications. Heres how to turn off repeat message notifications.
To enable app notifications click the slider button under. Power off your device and turn it back on. You can choose to set repeat message alerts from Never all the way up to 10 times.
We hope that helps. Importance Tap and then select the level of importance for notifications. To manually turn offon voice guidance follow these steps.
There uncheck the A nnounce when alerts are displayed checkbox. Apps and folders and the iPhone will speak the items name. Sound Tap select a.
Go into Settings then click Voice input and output Next click Text-to-speech settings from there you should see something called Driving Mode. If this isnt your cup of tea theres an easy way to change it. At this point everything you tap on will be selected but not opened eg.
Here is the options to change it or disable it. I want to turn off S Voice on my Galaxy S4.