Hzd How To Beat Rockbreaker
You can use the electrical trap or explosive trap.
Hzd how to beat rockbreaker. And that makes fighting this thing like fighting a tiger. The ropecaster lasso beats and pins them to the ground. Thats all you need to know to beat Rockbreakers easily in Horizon Zero Dawn.
210 Approximate amount of time to platinum. The rockbreaker is a sneaky FuKer that one. For more tips tricks and information on the game be sure to check out our ever-expanding wiki guide.
JackApostrophe 4 years ago 7. In terms of him spitting rocks your best option is to stick to high ground. If you are interested in learning more about the game then you can check out our guide on how you can kill a Snapmaw.
Sensitive to sound this massive machine burrows underground and surfaces with devastating force. Use a Sling or War Bow to freeze the Rockbreaker. Stand behind the Tripcaster and wait till the Thunderjaw charges at the explosive trap.
0 Number of missable trophies. The main purpose of the Rockbreaker is underground mining and just as that suggests that means it can burrow underground. Horizon Zero Dawn is an incredibly fun game that throws the player into a world where mankind has regressed into a primitive existence threatened by wandering machines that are slowly terraforming the planet.
In this guide well show you how to beat Stalkers in Horizon Zero Dawn which weapons to use and what the best strategies are. The first weak spots you should go for are the Rockbreakers Digging Arms. Shoot at the weapon with tear arrows in order to disable it.