There are advantages and disadvantages to using a web search engine such as Google Scholar.
How-to-use-google-scholar-to-search-keywords-in-abstracts. By default Google Scholar searches in the full text of publications. In regular Google search for the study by title and you might find a free version. Google Scholar searches the full text of an article for keywords and also searches a wider range of sources such as conference proceedings and books that are not found in traditional databases making it a good resource to search for grey literature Haddaway Reference Haddaway Collins and.
GoogleScholar is a web search engine created by Google to locate academic and scholarly sources. For search tips click About Google Scholar then click Search for Search Tips on finding recent papers and better results. You may prefer to start with a wider search on the initial Google Scholar search screen but then click on More and then select Advanced search if you wish to refine your approach.
Sources include peer-reviewed papers theses books book chapters abstracts and articles from academic publishers professional societies preprint repositories universities and. Conversely authors will need to select appropriate keywords or phrases long tail keywords usually 3 words to use in their work in order to increase readership. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
Advanced Search should be the second to last option in the newly-opened menu. Select the option Sort by date in google scholar. The Pros and Cons of Using Google Scholar.
Google Scholar combines the familiarity of Google with access to scholarly materials. Also scholars generally have an easy-to-find webpage One is likely to give you a free copy of the paper especially if you are a member of the press. This paper is the third in a series on manuscript writing skills published in the Indian Journal of PsychiatryEarlier articles offered suggestions on how to write a good case report and how to read write or review a paper on randomized controlled trials23 The present paper examines how authors may write a good abstract when preparing their manuscript for a scientific.
Therefore it is necessary to identify extra possibly relevant search terms and add them to the test search in an OR relationship with the already used search terms. Since searching in Google Scholar is as straightforward as searching in Google its best to jump right in and give it a try. Google Scholar searches the Web for scholarly articles abstracts and books and excludes popular magazine newspaper or Internet articles.